
This group examines the factors associated with social integration, different stressors experienced by child and youth refugees, and discrimination and social support pre- and post-resettlement. To open a project’s page, click on the research title in the table below.
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Research Projects

Project TitleLead Researcher(s)Research Partner(s)PublicationProject Status
Youth Newcomers' Educational ResistanceReza NakhaieYMCA, Western OntarioAvailableComplete
'Ethnocultural Communities’ Role in Supporting Newcomers to WinnipegRay Silvius, Jill Bucklaschuk
Immigration Partnership Winnipeg (IPW) AvailableComplete
Exploring belonging: Experiences of refugee children and families in a Montreal recreational settingNicole IvesMontreal City MissionAvailableComplete
Refugee Youth in Western Canadian Cities: Perception of, Identification with, and Affinity to CanadaJoseph GarceaN/AAvailableComplete
The Appearance and Disappearance of Asylum Seeking Families from the DPRK in CanadaAnn KimHanVoice and KCWA Family and Social ServicesN/AComplete
IFSSA Client Needs Assessment: Understanding what Independence Looks Like for our ClientsRichard EnnsIslamic Family and Social Services Association (IFSSA) and the Edmonton Social Planning Council (ESPC)N/AComplete

The Tajribati Canada Project: Early Integration Trajectories of Syrian Refugees in Canada

Thomas SoehlIRCCN/AComplete
Refugee Reception and Perception in Germany and CanadaElke WinterN/AAvailableComplete
Navigating New Spaces: An Evaluation of ISANS’ Youth Life Skills Support ProgramCatherine BryanImmigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)N/AComplete

L’impact de l’incompétence numérique dans la communication école-familles en contextes de défavorisation et de migration : situation des parents immigrants et réfugiés à Halifax.

Malanga-Georges LiboyImmigration francophone de la Nouvelle-ÉcosseAvailableComplete

Experiences of Refugee Youth and Families in Hard-to-Survey Areas

Howard RamosN/AN/AComplete

Publications & Reports

Clark-Kazak, C. (2017). Ethical Considerations: Research with People in Situations of Forced Migration. Refuge 33(2), 11-17.
Esses, V. M., Hamilton, L. K., Wilkinson, L., Zong, L., Bucklaschuk, J., & Bramadat, J. (2013). Western settlement outcomes survey. Calgary: Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
Esses, V. M., Hamilton, L. K., Gaucher, D. (2017). The Global Refugee Crisis: Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications for Improving Public Attitudes and Facilitating Refugee Resettlement. Social Issues and Policy Review 11(1), 78-123.
Garcea, J., Aquino, A., & Demerais, B. (2019). Refugee Youth in Western Canadian Cities: Perceptions of, Identification with, and Attachment to Canada.
Hébert, Y., Wilkinson, L., & Ali, M. (2007). Second generation youth in Canada, their mobilities and identification: Relevance to citizenship education. Brock Journal of Education 17(1), 50-70.
Ives, N., Alqawasma, H., Kline, P., Morland, L., Rabiau, M., & Gonzalez, E. (2019). Exploring belonging: Experiences of refugee children and families in Camp Cosmos.
Labman, S. (2016). Private sponsorship: Complementary or conflicting interests? Refuge, 32(2), 67-80.
Lauer, S., Wilkinson, L., Yan, M. C., Sin, R., & Tsang, A. K. T. (2012). Immigrant youth and employment: Lessons learned from the analysis of LSIC and 82 lived stories. Journal of International Migration and Integration 13(1), 1-19.
Wilkinson, L. (2003). Six nouvelles tendances de la recherche sur le racisme et l’inégalité au Canada. Les Cahiers de Recherche Sociologique 39, 109-140.
Malanga-Georges Liboy & Ali Mustafa Ali Omeran. (2019, Septembre). De l’oralité à l’usage des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication (NTIC): Défis des familles immigrantes et réfugiées à s’adapter aux nouveaux moyens de communication entre les enseignants et les parents. Université Sinte Anne.
Nakhaie, R., Ramos, H., & Fakih, F. (2022). School Environment and Academic Persistence of Newcomer Students: The Roles of Teachers and Peers. Journal of Teaching and Learning, 16(1), 64-84.
Winter, E., Patzelt, A., Beauregard, M. (2018) L’imaginaire National, L’asile et Les Refugies Syriens En Allemagne et Au Canada : Une Analyse Discursive. Canadian Ethnic Studie Journal, Vol. 50, No. 2.
Nakhaie, R. (2019). Youth Newcomers’ Educational Resistance.
Bucklaschuk, J. (2018). Ethnocultural Community Organizations in Winnipeg: A Legacy Document.
Patzelt, A., Jones, S., & Winter, E. (2020). Nation and Refuge: Media Discourses in Canada and Germany. Canadian Diversity, 17(2), 12-16.
Bucklaschuk, J., Gobin, J., Silvius, R. (2019). Youth Engagement in Ethnocultural Organizations in Winnipeg.
Winter, E., A. Patzelt & V. Schmid. 2020. “Mapping Public Responses to the ‘Refugee Crisis’: Who claims what in Heidelberg and Ottawa/Gatineau”, A. Korntheuer, P. Pritchard, D.B. Maehler & L. Wilkinson (eds.) Refugees in Canada and Germany: From research to policies and practice (GESIS-Schriftenreihe, 25), Köln: GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, 99-119,