Call for Proposals
Mental Health and Wellbeing Research
The Child and Youth Refugee Research Coalition (CYRRC) is committed to producing research that promotes the social integration, education, mental wellbeing, and physical wellbeing of refugee children, youth and families in Canada and beyond.
CYRRC’s wellbeing research cluster is currently accepting proposals for research on the mental health and wellbeing of refugee children, youth, and families in Canada. Projects with a budget of up to $50,000 may be considered. Projects must be completed on or before October 1, 2023. Project extensions will not be granted. As the timeline of the project is very short only certain types of projects will be considered. These include projects involving analysis of already existing datasets or syntheses of the literature including systematic reviews and meta-analysis. Projects that include new data collection will only be approved if REB approval has already been obtained (amendment or extension of prior REB approval is permissible).
Projects with a budget of up to $50,000 may be considered.
The deadline to apply is October 22nd, 2021 at midnight EST. Projects must be completed on or before October 1, 2023. Project extensions will not be granted.
Who Can Apply
CYRRC promotes research partnerships between academics and service providers (SPOs). All CYRRC projects should involve at least one academic partner, and one SPO partner (e.g. settlement agency, community organization, school board, etc).
CYRRC co-investigators and collaborators (i.e., members who were part of CYRRC’s partnership grant application) from any research cluster are eligible to apply. Students and associate members are not eligible to apply directly but may partner with a CYRRC collaborator.
Partner ESPOs are eligible to apply for funding in collaboration with an academic partner. In projects where Research Ethics Board (REB) review is required, including but not limited to research involving human subjects, funds must be held by the academic institution where the ethics review will take place. In projects where ethics review is not required, funds may be held by the ESPO partner.
Project Criteria
Every CYRRC project must focus on refugee children, youth, or families.
Additionally, all projects must:
- Provide training opportunities for students or other youth
- Contribute new knowledge
- Demonstrate a knowledge mobilization (KMb) plan that includes products targeted at academic and non-academic audiences. A KMb guidance note is appended for reference
Preference will be given to projects that:
- Provide capacity building or training opportunities for refugee youth as peer-researchers.
- Respond to ESPO priorities and build capacity of ESPOs and community partners
- Foster cross-cluster collaboration
- Produce outputs aimed at refugee communities
Eligible Expenses
We encourage the applicant to allocate at least 50% of CYRRC project funds for student or peer researcher salaries. A detailed budget, using the CYRRC budget template, must be submitted along with the application form.
CYRRC funds may be used to cover the following:
- Salaries for students (i.e. internships and research assistants)
- Salaries for non-students (i.e. Postdocs and refugee youth)
- Project-related travel (including travel for data collection)
- Professional and technical services
- Stipends and honoraria
- Equipment (if essential to the project)
- Materials and supplies
The following expenses may not be covered by this grant:
- Renumeration of the grant recipient and/or ESPO partner
- Service delivery projects without a clear research component
Reporting Requirements
All CYRRC projects must submit to the CYRCC a final project report within 30 days of the project’s completion date. A reporting template will be provided and will include:
- A project abstract and key findings summary
- A list of outputs (i.e. papers, presentations, publications )
- A breakdown of the number of students and/or refugee youth trained through the project
- Copies of all research and service-provider products associated with the research (i.e. publications, policy briefs, fact sheets, presentations )
Projects must also submit a financial statement (the Tri-Agency Form 300, typically prepared by Financial Services at academic institutions) by April 30th of each year that the project is funded.
For additional information or assistance with the application process, contact:
Simone Chia-Kangata
Project Manager
[email protected]
(902) 494-1913