L’impact de l’incompétence numérique dans la communication école-familles en contextes de défavorisation et de migration : situation des parents immigrants et réfugiés à Halifax

L’impact de l’incompétence numérique dans la communication école-familles en contextes de défavorisation et de migration: situation des parents immigrants et réfugiés à HalifaxChercheurs: Malanga-Georges Liboy, Ali Mustafa Ali OmeranAffiliation: Université Sainte-AnnePartenaire:Immigration francophone de la Nouvelle-ÉcosseMots clés:families immigrantes, families réfugiées, enseignants, parents, école, communication, compétences numériques, immigrants francophones, Nouvelle-ÉcosseSommaireL’école considère les parents d’élèves comme des partenaires [...]

L’impact de l’incompétence numérique dans la communication école-familles en contextes de défavorisation et de migration : situation des parents immigrants et réfugiés à Halifax2023-10-19T00:54:00-03:00

Using Community-Based Research to Develop a Contextually, Culturally, and Developmentally Sensitive Model of Refugee Resilience

Ongoing Project: Using Community-Based Research to Develop a Contextually, Culturally, and Developmentally Sensitive Model of Refugee Resilience Researchers: Amanda Sim1, Kathy Georgiades1, Dalhit Garry2, Marion Trent-Kratz3, and Eve Puffer4 Affiliation: Offord Centre for Child Studies, McMaster University1, Wesley Urban Ministries2, Children’s Services and Neighbourhood Development, City of Hamilton3, and Duke University4 Research Partner: Wesley Urban [...]

Using Community-Based Research to Develop a Contextually, Culturally, and Developmentally Sensitive Model of Refugee Resilience2021-02-01T17:14:44-04:00

Refugee reception and perception in Germany and Canada II

Refugee reception and perception in Germany and Canada IIResearchers: Elke Winter, Verena Schmid SummaryThe years 2015 and 2016 were amount the most turbulent in recent history of refugee movements in the Western world. Amongst other factors, the Syrian conflict generated massive flows of people seeking refuge in Germany and elsewhere, many of them families and [...]

Refugee reception and perception in Germany and Canada II2021-01-20T15:32:52-04:00

Refugees in Canada and Germany: From Research to Policies and Practices

Refugees in Canada and Germany: From Research to Policies and PracticesResearchers: Lori Wilkinson SummaryBuilding on the previous volume by Korntheuer et al. (Eds.), this edited book will examine housing, health, and other resettlement issues from a research and evidence perspective, focusing on how research informs policy and practice. Unlike the first book, which was mainly [...]

Refugees in Canada and Germany: From Research to Policies and Practices2021-01-20T15:23:26-04:00

Refugee Reception and Perception in Germany and Canada

Refugee Reception and Perception in Germany and CanadaResearchers: Elke Winter, Verena Schmid Go to: Findings, Publication SummaryThis research project sought to compare the perception of Syrian refugees in Canadian and German media. Both countries have taken in large amounts of refugees and while the initial reception has been overwhelmingly sympathetic, long-term perspectives in both countries [...]

Refugee Reception and Perception in Germany and Canada2021-01-20T15:14:46-04:00

Bilisat (Bilingual Children at School Age: Arabic and Turkish as Home Languages)

Bilisat (Bilingual Children at School Age: Arabic and Turkish as Home Languages)Researchers: Cornelia Hamann, Solveig Chila, Lina Abed Ibrahim, Hilal SanSummaryResearch QuestionsHow do new arrivals compare to heritage speakers in their language competence during primary school and the first years of secondary education (age range 7;0-12;0, Length of Exposure minimum 18 months)?Which assessment tools are [...]

Bilisat (Bilingual Children at School Age: Arabic and Turkish as Home Languages)2021-01-20T15:00:02-04:00

Volume “Structural Context of Refugee Integration in Canada and Germany”

Volume “Structural Context of Refugee Integration in Canada and Germany”Researchers: Annette Korntheuer, Paul Pritchard, Débora MaehlerSummaryThe volume “Structural Context of Refugee Integration in Canada and Germany” aims at providing basic information on relevant contextual factors for refugee integration to colleagues of the other national context to facilitate cross national comparison. The leading question for the [...]

Volume “Structural Context of Refugee Integration in Canada and Germany”2021-01-20T14:44:33-04:00

The Importance of Civil Society Actors for (Syrian) Refugee Settlement in Comparative Perspective: Motivations, Structures, and Consequences

The Importance of Civil Society Actors for (Syrian) Refugee Settlement in Comparative Perspective: Motivations, Structures, and Consequences Researchers: Elke Winter, Monika Gonser, Georg Mildenberger, Verena Schmid, Kathia Serrano Velarde Summary Research Question In light of the arrival of Syrian refugees, local structures in Germany and Canada are adapting to meet the challenge of integrating the [...]

The Importance of Civil Society Actors for (Syrian) Refugee Settlement in Comparative Perspective: Motivations, Structures, and Consequences2021-01-20T14:37:30-04:00

The Integration of Refugee Children and Youth: A Systematic Review of English, German and French Literature

The Integration of Refugee Children and Youth: A Systematic Review of English, German and French Literature Researchers: Howard Ramos, Paul Pritchard, Débora B. Maehler, Steffen Pötzschke Summary Research Questions The aim of this project is to provide a systematic review of research on the integration of refugee children and youth published in academic journals in [...]

The Integration of Refugee Children and Youth: A Systematic Review of English, German and French Literature2021-01-20T14:23:56-04:00
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