Economic Outcomes

What information can we draw from the longitudinal immigration database (IMDb)?

The IMDB holds information about immigrants who became Permanent Residents (PR) of Canada from 1980 onward. Information included in the landing records (Immigrant Landing File, or ILF) is linked with the tax files (T1 Family Files) in subsequent years after arrival (starting in 1982) as well as the Non-Permanent Resident Files (NRF). Combining the information from these administrative records, the IMDB provides detailed socioeconomic and demographic information about immigrants at the time of landing and afterwards. It also allows us to draw upon some information about the pre-landing histories of migrants using temporary permits and economic activities after arrival.

There are several ways the IMDB can be used to study refugee children and youth:

  • Household economic situation
  • Transition of refugee children and youth into adulthood
  • Group comparisons (between landing categories)

For more details about the IMDb and the types of information that can be drawn from it, download the Info Sheet.

When do refugee children and youth start working?

The earlier a person enters the labour force usually means less time they have for studying, socializing, or participating in leisure activities as youth. At the same time, early entry into the labour force also means that youth achieve economic independence, potentially contribute to family income, and gain work experience.

Combining information from landing records of immigrants and their tax files in the Longitudinal Immigrant Database (IMDB), we can examine the economic outcomes of refugee and immigrant children and youth to Canada. In this report we use the IMDB 2014 to look at children and youth, between the ages of 0-17 at the time of landing between 1980 and 2000.

To read more about our findings, download the Fact Sheet.


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